To demonstrate the effects of isolation, a notable theme in of mice and men, Steinbeck uses the methods of setting, prejudice, foreshadowing, the destruction of dreams and weaknesses.
Setting – Soledad, (foreshadowing) lonely setting
Prejudice – Curley’s wife (anti feminism (?) all men scared) , crooks (racism, not allowed into bunk room etc…)
Destruction of dreams – Curley’s wife (actress), Candy (wishes to join George and Lenny) , George and Lenny (desire to have a small house, and live of the ‘fatta the land’)
Weakness – insecurity, have to isolate themselves because of this. Curley (resents being a small man) crooks (cripple, skin colour) Lenny (disability) George (looking after Lenny) Curley’s wife (sex, vulnerable due to this)