Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Annotated Feedback

    In relation to the exercises completed in class this week, here is a copy of the annotations we made when we decided to work as a group to improve your work.

  • Books and Films that deal with Paradox

    Hi Alex, I’m excited that you’ve selected Paradox as a focussing point for your theme study. I’ll include here some initial ideas for texts, plays, films and other media, and add to it over time. (Remember you can access the official outline and examples of prior students’ work here: http://waugh10.www.edutronic.net/category/theme-study/) Catch 22 – Cleverly suggested…

  • Curley’s wife – character analysis and role in book

    ‘Cant blame a person for lookin” Curley’s wife is portrayed as acting in a flirtatious manner, as shown by this quote, and due to her being the wife of Curley – the farm boss’s son – is treated with constant distrust and paranoia all of the male farm workers. To elaborate, George describes her as…

  • Of Mice and Men – Characterisation and character development – Curley’s Wife

    Curley’s wife Key quotations- ‘Nobody can’t blame a person for lookin’,’ ‘funny thing, if I catch any one man, and he’s alone, I get along fine with him. But just let two guys get together an’ you won’t talk. Jus nothing But mad. Your scared of each other, that’s what.’ Description- ‘She had full rouged…

  • Of mice and men -notes

    Discrimination: -Disrespect of women-treated as sexual objects, and didn’t have the same rights as men, for example we are not given a name for Curly’s wife, she is just called ‘Curly’s Wife’, showing that at the time women were thought ‘unworthy’ of having names. It also isolates her from all of the other characters, showing…

  • Notable themes to look for in ‘Of Mice and Men’

    Friendship/the value of friendship The effect of isolation Presentation of characters

  • Salinas river area

    “Agriculture dominates the economy of the valley. Promoters call the Salinas Valley “the Salad Bowl of the World”for the production of lettuce, broccoli, peppers and numerous other crops. The climate is also ideal for the floral industry and grape vineyards planted by world-famous vintners. In particular, a large majority of the salad greens consumed in…

  • Theme Study: Provisional Theme


  • Futility by Wilfred Owen – analysis

    Wilfred Owen’s poem is questioning the hopelessness of war – what is the purpose of mankind if we are only going to destroy ourselves? The poem also questions god; why did god create us, and if he is omnipotent and benevolent, then why does he let war happen? Throughout the poem, the author uses the…

  • Controlled Assessment: Spoken Language Study

    Comment: I read this essay with a great deal of interest and pleasure. For the most part the effort you made to express it as an impassioned argument was successful. You developed a consistent argument and employed a range of examples and ideas to support your point. Your introduction deviated from the traditional “outline your…

Got any book recommendations?